Wednesday, September 23, 2009


On Wednesday, September 16, the Winona State University-Rochester Education department had another growing opportunity in sharing our expanding educator knowledge with eager Mayo Eugenio Litta's Children's Hospital patients and their family members.

The topic was excitedly chosen by the staff of the hospital, tornadoes we delivered!

As it was our third volunteering visit thus far, we were grateful to be welcomed by a total of seven patient participants, our largest crowd yet! Colleen Loy, Kelly Schrandt, and Cristen Schwab showed up as the team for the activities.The afternoon began with a book donation from EMSP. This picture/fact book by National Geographic was all about tornadoes and will remain in the patient play room for those to look back upon, when they wish.
Secondly, each child received supplies to create his or her own tornado. Attaching two, two-liter bottles with special connectors, adding water, glitter, and food coloring, the children laughed and smiled as they made each tornado, uniquely theirs. Spinning the contraption and watching the water create a funnel made eyes grow big and smiles appear!
The Magic School Bus then provided a 30 minute educational, entertainment blip on weather conditions. Ms. Frizzle and her students made the children laugh as they explored different atmospheres via their magic school bus.
Lastly, Kelly and his hard work paid off! He created a tornado vortex in order for all the patients to see what a real-life tornado looks like (in smaller scale) and also recognize the true workings of what happens during a storm such as this (soda bottles and water don't show the exact science ;) ). Impressive!

The afternoon flew by and patients lingered after closing, hoping to make more tornadoes. Supplies were left so that more could be created and we look forward to our next visit on Monday, October 26.

We are looking for volunteers available anywhere from 1-4. A "Build-it Festival" will be the topic of choice and we hope to create different types of architectural designs via supplies such as marshmallows, tooth pics, whatever your imagination can conjure up.

Please, as a token of reward to yourself, think about joining us this day!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
9:00pm UCR EA 103

I. Call to Order

II. Old Business

  • St. Croix Ropes

1.$23 half day; $43.50 full day

2. Possible dates include Oct. 10, Oct. 16, Nov. 7

  • Mayo Eugenio Litta Children’s Hospital Activity

1. Stations (3) – Vortex Chamber, Two-Liter Twisters, Magic School Bus

2.Supplies needed: blankets, funnels, glitter, food coloring, cameras

  • Meet & Eat

1. Tentative Schedule:
5:00 to 5:35 Assigned groups for socialization and food (Logo choice)
5:35 to 5:40 Ryan Christiansen
5:40 to 5:50 St. Croix
5: 50 to 5:55 Handout
5:55 to 6:00 Final Thoughts

2. Colleen to buy remaining food (salad and dressings)

  • T- shirt and Logo

1. Present to juniors at dinner use straw poll to decide on final design

2. Quotes will be obtained at later date

III. New Business

  • EMSP Leadership Team to attend Student Advisory Meeting Sept. 17

1. 4 to 6pm CF 206/208

2. Where should we direct Student Senate funds?

3. Fund requests to be completed at next meeting

  • Blog update


IV. Review Tasks for next meeting

  • Tracy – blog about San Diego trip to Ed. Minn. Conference
  • Cristen – glitter, PPT slide for Meet & Eat
  • Colleen - MUSE blog, create handout and script for M&E, salad
  • Supplies for Tornado Activity

V. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Wednesday, September23, 2009; 8:30pm

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, August 26th, 20098:30pm UCR EA 103

I. Call to Order

II. Old Business

  • Eagle Bluff
    -Possible ropes course
  • Rochester Education Summit
    -How does Junior Cohort fit into Ed. Summit?
    -What are EMSP duties?
  • Buddy System
    -Dinner and discussion – “Meet and Eat” Sept.14th with Juniors
    -Division of duties
  • Scholastic Books
    -Present to juniors at dinner

III. New Business

  • EMSP priorities 2009-2010
    -Mayo Eugenio Litta Children’s Hospital
    -Fundraisers – T-shirts
    -More options to be discussed
  • Tornado Activity
    -Kelly – Vortex Chamber
    -Colleen – book and movie
  • Bulletin Board
    - Colleen Updated

IV. Review Tasks for next meeting

  • Tracy – blog about San Diego trip to Ed. Minn. Conference
    Cristen – email Jennifer Rose
    Colleen - MUSE blog
    Supplies for Tornado Activity
    All – T-shirt designs

V. Adjournment
Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 9pm