Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mayo Eugenio Litta Children’s Hospital Activity List
Dr. Hoody
1. Polymers (gak, oobleck, etc.) –June 4, 2009
2. Bubbles
3. Bulbs & Batteries
4. Global Games
5. Secret Formulas
6. Crime Lab Chemistry
7. Architecture – bridges, towers, etc.
8. Chemistry (differentiate across grade levels)
9. Masks/Archaeology
1. Batteries and circuits - Lemon battery
2. Film canister farming- seed germination
3. Newspaper bridges- cooperative learning
4. Genetics using probability
5. Balloons on a spool
6. Rain stick
7. Grow crystals
8. Tornado
9. Terrariums
10. Create a fossil
1. LEGO Mindstorms
2. GPS Hunt
3. Create low and high viscosity volcanoes/watch footage of each (Mt. Helens/ Hawai’i)
4. Glook
5. Stop-motion Animation Workshop
6. Rockets
7. Tornado Creation
8. Writing words in different languages
9. Make-shift planetarium
10. Bug Collecting: Collect plastic bugs scattered throughout the area and investigate their traits/ compare them with other insects.
1. Pop Rocks Science
2. Singing Glasses
3. Crowding in an Ecosystem
4. Blue Sky- Red Sunset
5. Egg in a Bottle
6. The Cartesian Diver
7. Making Things Glow in the Dark
8. Candy Triboluminescence
Monday, May 4, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
8:30pm UCR EA 103
I. Call to Order
II. Old Buisness
- Responsive Classroom
- Debrief- professionalism
- Thank You notes to buisnesses and volunteers
- Volunteer Oportunities
- Children's Hospital ideas presented
- Book orders ready for delivery
- Eagle Bluff
- No news
- Education Summit
- EMSP to asist in minimal capacity
III. New Buisness
- Buddy System
- Email in first weeks then Meet and Greet
IV. Review Tasks for next meeting
- Thank You Notes
- Email E-folio to Maggie
- Email Kelly lists for Children's Hospital
V. Adjournment
Next Meeting: May 21, Time to be announced
Friday, May 1, 2009
"Where Ever a Man Turns, He Can Find Someone Who Needs Him" Albert Schweitzer
The EMSP board has done some ground work to provide the opportunity for you to be a volunteer!
When: June 4, 2009 (Thursday)
Time: 1:30pm-3:00pm
Where: St. Marys, 3rd floor
What: An "Oobleck" science experiment!
Who: Conducted by the child patients, guided by Winona State University Rochester Elementary Ed. students
Why: Why not? We'd like to practice our teaching skills, children within the hospital could use a educational/fun/out -of-the-norm experience, and by working together as a team we can all do this!
Please check back here for more information...if you are interested in helping out or being involved in anyway (whether you can show up that day or not) please email
Thank you!