Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mayo Eugenio Litta Children’s Hospital Activity List

Dr. Hoody
1. Polymers (gak, oobleck, etc.) –June 4, 2009
2. Bubbles
3. Bulbs & Batteries
4. Global Games
5. Secret Formulas
6. Crime Lab Chemistry
7. Architecture – bridges, towers, etc.
8. Chemistry (differentiate across grade levels)
9. Masks/Archaeology

1. Batteries and circuits - Lemon battery
2. Film canister farming- seed germination
3. Newspaper bridges- cooperative learning
4. Genetics using probability
5. Balloons on a spool
6. Rain stick
7. Grow crystals
8. Tornado
9. Terrariums
10. Create a fossil

1. LEGO Mindstorms
2. GPS Hunt
3. Create low and high viscosity volcanoes/watch footage of each (Mt. Helens/ Hawai’i)
4. Glook
5. Stop-motion Animation Workshop
6. Rockets
7. Tornado Creation
8. Writing words in different languages
9. Make-shift planetarium
10. Bug Collecting: Collect plastic bugs scattered throughout the area and investigate their traits/ compare them with other insects.

1. Pop Rocks Science
2. Singing Glasses
3. Crowding in an Ecosystem
4. Blue Sky- Red Sunset
5. Egg in a Bottle
6. The Cartesian Diver
7. Making Things Glow in the Dark
8. Candy Triboluminescence

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