On Saturday, the 18th of April, the the junior and senior cohort were fortunate to participate in a Responsive Classroom: Introductory Overview workshop offered by the WSU-Rochester Education Department. "The responsive Classroom approach is a way of teaching that emphasizes social, emotional, and academic growth in a strong and safe school community." (Origins handout)
The day was facilitated by Ellen, a public school teacher through Minneapolis based Origins (http://www.originsonline.org/). She was a wonderful presenter with a plethora of experience when it came to incorporating the ideas of the responsive classroom approach. This one day workshop, whittled down from the full-week workshop, introduced such areas as: morning meeting, interactive modeling, guided discovery, energizers, thoughts on classroom discipline, and closing circle.
A few of the Senior Cohort leave the trenches
of student teaching to join us!
Energizer: Rock, paper, scossors -Entourage!
Overall, I enjoyed this workshop and look forward to the day that I may incorporate the responsive classroom approach into my own classroom. Many of the ideas on a positive learning environment are built within this approach. Such concepts that have been already introduced into our education classes include differentiation of lesson plans and continuous formal and informal assessment of each student. It's nice to see these ideas carry across from the college classroom into the primary classroom.
Breakfast and Lunch was made possible by the following individuals:
Cristen Scwab for scouring the ends of the Earth (well, Rochester!) for food donations and gift certificates, Dr. Maggie Hoody for the delicious breads and morning coffee, and to Cristen's Mom for additional breakfast food, food prep, and delivery of our lunch! Desserts and Chips were also provided by various students.
Special Thanks:
A thank you to Dr. Maggie Hoody for her successful attempt of reducing the individual fee for all of us to participate in this workshop!
-Kelly James Schrandt