Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Summer Events

The Fall semester is in full gear and the EMSP team and senior cohort are in their final months before student teaching! A lot of new and exciting changes have taken place for the new semester.

First, we would like to welcome in the Junior cohort, class of 2013. We hope you all enjoy the newly remodeled program and we hope that you take in every avenue and opportunity that arises!

On that note, as many may know, our Education program has been remodeled for more concrete and thoughtful learning. The biggest change for the seniors was the shift from night courses to morning. Also, we have clinical practice tied in with our courses in Riverside Elementary. A big thank-you goes to Christine Smith (Principal) and Angela Labounty (Vice Principal) for allowing us inside their community. It's a priceless opportunity us.

Thinking back, the summer of 2011 was yet another fast one. Three of our EMSP members had the opportunity to travel to Chicago, IL for the SLC and NEA conferences held for this years leadership conference. Megan and Christina attended the first portion (SLC) while Tom attended the both of the conferences entireties.

The Student Leadership Conference portion, or SLC, consisted of many meetings focused on club promotion and leadership skills. All three of us sat in on multiple conferences and had hours of networking. We got to meet many passionate people filled with genuine drive for Education. It was great seeing the enthusiasm and effort put forth during an economically difficult time for our career.

One experience that stood out most for me was the Outreach To Teach project with Dawes Elementary School in Chicago. With this annual project, a school is put through an application and interview process. The school which is chosen is awarded with thousands of dollars worth of renovations and maintenance. We painted, sanded, weeded, planted, dusted and much more during this single day of work. It was a great time for people to lend a hand and offer their hard work to people in need. Below are a few pictures from that experience:

The 2nd annual STEM camp also happened this July! A lot of hard work and preparation went into this years' camp. Maggie Hoody was behind the scenes putting together things that I can't even begin to acknowledge. The team at Riverside Elementary were terrific, especially Mr. Johnson who helped organize within the building. I'm sure there were many sleepless nights but it was a huge success! We played great as a team and I feel like a lot of learning took place during our short four days there:

More pictures and information will soon be printed in the local newspaper. We will add the link when we see it printed! :)

Overall, the summer was busy and quick. A lot of new and exciting changes have happened but a few traditions seem to be underway (STEM camp being the biggest).

As the school year sets in, we will settle into our new Riverside classrooms and field placements. In the next few weeks we look forward to meeting the Junior cohort at our Meet and Greet as well as the Riverside Staff who we will be working side by side with before we know it!

EMSP Team 2011

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