Thursday, February 24, 2011

Purple Plunger Success!

The Purple Plungers plunged successfully on February 12th, 2011! 7 of us got together and raised $1,480 that was contributed to the grand total of about $145,000 for our SE chapter Special Olympics.

Since we were representing WSU-Rochester, we thought it'd fit the occasion to dress in all purple. Tom, one of the members, had even gone and boughten plungers, painted them purple and put a WSU-R logo on them! They were a hit I must say. We enjoyed a quick lunch, finished up our final costume touches (face paint) and hopped on the shuttle. We were through the changing tents and into the prep tent quicker than imagined and frantically tried to collect our thoughts before it was time to plunge. We snapped a quick picture, entered a costume contest and ran out onto the plank in a blink of an eye! We didn't have time to choreograph a plan once we were out there so we all just started cheering and getting pumped up. Megan got a little antsy and took the leap first, quickly followed by her teammates! It was a beautiful day but the water was freezing! We trampled out as quick as we could and leaped into the hot-tub. It was all smiles! There, we had a quick interview with the Post-Bulletin (check out the link: Some of us dunked our heads, some of us didn't - but we all enjoyed the quick, refreshing plunge in the middle of Minnesota's winter!

The day was over before it we knew it. We had a great time and hopefully WSU-R will continue to participate in the years to come.

President - Tom W.
Vice President - Megan L.
Treasurer - Christina B.
Secretary - Anna S.